For our Followers in the Zurich Region: [to German event page]
Music Flat Rate: Rescue or Crazy Idea?
Music is available everywhere, any time and on all devices, whether download or stream, regardless, whatever we want. The fusion of "listening" to music or actually "owning" has become reality - the primary challenge for the entire music industry. New business and cultural models are urgently needed to meet this irrefutable trend.
November 28, 212, starting at 18:30h, an important public debate [German only] about the Future of Online Music is going to take place at the Rote Fabrik in Zurich-Wollishofen. In the sense of Swiss Federal Council Member Simonetta Sommaruga's new task force AGUR12, and Gerd Leonhard's Proposal published June 1, 2012, the idea is to introduce a new digital music license for Switzerland, which would allow for a universal music flat rate.
Panel members will be: Tim Renner - MotorMusic (Berlin), Poto Wegener - Swissperform, Hartwig Thomas - Digitale Allmend, Christoph Trummer - Musikschaffender, Wolfgang Schögl – SofaSurfer, Fabian Niggemeier - SUISA, Michael Gregr - Piratenpartei, Michel Rudin - Konsumentenforum, Gerd Leonhard - The Futures Agency. Moderator: Phillip Schnyder - Kulturprozent.
Admission is free of charge, registration via event page.