Times of Malta 09/03/2014: As the Knights of St John managed to make Malta a safer place to live
in during the later 17th and 18th centuries, church domes grew larger
and became increasingly popular.
They were transformed into important symbols of civic pride
dominating the skyline of Maltese towns and villages. In conformity with
St Carlo Borromeo’s guidelines of the Council of Trent, they introduced
light and a sense of spaciousness into the sacred buildings themselves
and have come to be recognised as one of the most characteristic
architectural features of the Maltese landscape.
Kenneth Cauchi, an MA graduate in Baroque Studies, recently gave an
interesting lecture on Maltese church domes in the Baroque age. The
lecture, held at the Birkirkara parish centre, was part of the outreach
programme of the International Institute for...read on.