27 October 2015

A life devoted to reviving lakes

Eco-Business 27 October 2015: After seeing water that looked like “green paint”, Dr James Barnard resolved to devote his life to helping protect water resources and the communities that depend on them. For developing Biological Nutrient Removal technology, he became the fourth winner of the Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize in 2011. In an interview with Eco-Business, he shares how the work that he once viewed with ‘disgust’ eventually led to him finding his life’s purpose.

One Sunday in 1971, South African engineer Dr James Barnard heard over the news that one of the local reservoirs in the country was overflowing and decided to visit it.

“I saw what looked like green paint, dirty green pea soup spilling over the crest of the dam and plunging 35 metres onto the rocks below,” Dr Barnard tells Eco-Business. “Between 40 to 80 per cent of the flow to this reservoir were from...read on.