Malta is a small island with big and powerful international competition.
The Parliamentary Secretary for Competitiveness and Economic Growth, Dr
Jose Herrera, spoke to Piers Allen about the government’s strategic
approach to developing business.
Malta Independent 24/07/2014: I start by asking, perhaps the obvious question, which is what is
government currently doing to make Malta more competitive, and while the
government is working in a number of areas, the key point that Dr
Herrera, raises, to begin with is in promotion and branding. This is an
innovative point to make and Dr Herrera is happy to explain that over
the last few years a number of regulatory bodies have been created, such
as MCA, Mita and the LGA. However, while “We had regulatory bodies we
didn’t have promotional entities” such as FinanceMalta. Therefore
government is implementing its Integrated Marketing Strategy.
Understanding that a government needs to market its regulatory services
and products to international business, it then makes sense to create
marketing and representative bodies to support this. Which is to say, as
Dr Herrera explained, on.